Topless Girl: Lisajane In The Hot Tub

Posted by: Lisajane

Apr 29, 2012

Hello Everybody I usually don't do more then one contri a month but I have so many pics to show it would take me a year to show them all hehehe So I have a EIP and am thinking I might also do a Private shots. They are still all from my vacation with one of my fans who has become a real good friend. Anyways I hope you enjoy these it was hot hot hot i the tub. xoxox

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Recent Comments for Topless Girl: Lisajane In The Hot Tub (5)
  • Lisajane = SUPERB in 2012! SUPERB in 2022!
  • Those are some of my favorite photos of Lisajane! I miss Lisajane and I wish she was still participating here.
  • Love redheads!
  • Not particularly flattering. Stand up and show your boobs off properly - droopers or not!

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