Preparing Bikini To Tease People Set 2

Posted by: Wife_Cindy

Sep 5, 2015

Cindy and I have been married for one year now.. We used to enjoy teasing other men at the swimming pool.. and once we find someone nice and gentle.. we drag him for a threesome.. So I bought Cindy a new bikini and asked her to try it and test how sexy she looks wearing it..but after a couple of photos things went wild and Cindy started teasing me and she made me so wet.. Cindy likes how other men gaze at her in the swimming pool.. She used to slip her nipples and pretend as if nothing is happening.. usually men get so horny and start to play with themselves.. if you like Cindy comment with your email and maybe you get lucky and share Cindy with me.. This story is going to be over a couple of sets.. We pictured the scenes so you won't miss anything..

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Recent Comments for Preparing Bikini To Tease People Set 2 (70)
  • Super sexy thong! I really want her tits and hairy pussy!
  • SUPERB!!! please write me: truemale666@ we can trade some adore your fantastic body!!! I would like to tell you my fantasies about your hot body........
  • Love the teasing. I want to see more. Dwning537@
  • Amazing voted SUPERB!! very sexy please post more denno68@
  • I love your hot body!
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