Im Still Hot

Posted by: Mrs LuLu

Aug 17, 2016

Thank you all for your beautiful and sexy comments to me. I love all of them and I excite read those. I like to know that you like me, but I'm just a regular housewife, wife and a but sometimes I'm a little bitch. I think it's in my . My husband says that all women are whores until they prove otherwise, but in my case I'm the opposite. I like to prove I'm also a great slut. What do you think?

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Mrs LuLu

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Recent Comments for Im Still Hot (80)
  • Here's guessing that she is " still hot " in 2021!
  • Ya wanna be a slut? It takes more than pole dancing with a tree trunk. Go on, get down and filthy. Find a group of Harley bikers and dare them to see which one can dump the biggest wad in your mouth. Then, for the sheer helluvit, turn around and rape one with your fist up his ass. NOW, you're getting to "SLUT"! Oh, fugga cop.
  • and what a sexy, hot, smoking wife you are
  • Beautiful !! Exciting !! kissssssssssssssssss... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..., write and photos :
  • One fine contribution, thanks for sharing. Hope to see more soon Regards Ralph T vwfan1966@
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